All You Need To Know About Yoga for Insomnia.

Why sound Sleep is important?

There are many people in this world who literally need Yoga for Insomnia, ever wondered why? Everyone wishes to have good health, peaceful mind, sufficient money and happy life, isn’t it? Andy we try out every possible means to bestow those precious, treasured, valuable and cherished needs in our life. We work hard, consume healthy foods but do you acknowledge that good and sound sleep is equally significant in our life. Hence, it is no less as compared to ample money. What is the use of such healthiness which can’t offer you healthy and sound sleep? But Yoga for insomnia can help you. Life becomes miserable, pitiful and pathetic without proper sleep.

Sound sleep is crucial for overall health and well-being for several reasons:

  • Physical Health: During sleep, the body repairs and rejuvenates tissues, muscles, and organs. It helps in the proper functioning of the immune system, metabolism, and cardiovascular health.
  • Cognitive Function: Sleep plays a vital role in cognitive functions such as concentration, productivity, and memory consolidation. It enhances learning and problem-solving abilities.
  • Emotional Well-being: Adequate sleep is essential for emotional regulation and mental health. It helps in managing stress, regulating mood, and reducing the risk of anxiety and depression.
  • Physical Performance: Good sleep is associated with improved physical performance, including athletic performance, reaction time, and coordination.
  • Hormonal Balance: Sleep regulates the production of hormones such as cortisol, which is involved in stress response, and growth hormone, which is essential for growth and development. Getting enough sleep is critical to maintaining a healthy weight.
  • Weight Management: Lack of sleep can disrupt hormones that regulate appetite, leading to overeating and weight gain.

Overall, sound sleep is vital for optimal functioning of the body and mind, and it significantly contributes to overall quality of life.

Interesting Benefit of Sleep

Are you aware about the fact that we spends nearly one third of our life by sleeping. As our body demands water, oxygen and food, it need sleep too in a similar manner. You can achieve it through Yoga. Daily practice of yoga for insomnia may help you to have a peaceful sleep.

  • It is not merely a resting period of time because our body moves into an dynamic replenishment process during sleep time.
  • An energizing sleep is of life-sustaining grandness and important in order to preserve a balanced life.
  • During sleep, activeness’s that absorb one’s brain; tension, stress, facts and information in one’s memory are cleared out.
  • Endocrine dismantles are stabilized.
  • The gastrointestinal system functions properly and the immune system get intervenes and boost up.
  • Cellular division carries on intensively in sleep.
  • Enough Sleep is necessary to rebuild destroyed body-protein and to break down and carry waste material from the body.

Likewise, as you’re at rest, body-fast are translated into usable energy, to support the different body processes.


Need of Yoga for Insomnia for Good Sleep

Good sleep and sound sleep is all important for everyone’s health and well-being point of view. As per the report of the National Sleep Foundation (NSF) it is discovered that billions of people don’t acquire adequate sleep and several suffer from lack of sleep.

Yoga is inseparable part of our life and Yoga for Insomnia is the easiest way to enjoy sound sleep. It teaches us to control our mind and body and show a path to bring down the level of stress and tension which is the main cause for sleepless night. A regular yoga for insomnia session might help oneself to increment overall sleep time. People suffering from prolonged insomnia can be helped through Yoga for insomnia. Yoga and Pranayam are sanctifying and spiritual form of exercise that can be performed to fight against whatsoever health problem. Problem of Sleepless night is not a major issue if it is handled with Yoga for insomnia.

Easy Poses of Yoga for Insomnia

According to research when easy poses of yoga for insomnia are exercised at bedtime, it helps in relief muscular tissue tenseness and brings calmness to mind. Many scientific researches advises that meditation is very beneficial and advantageous for those people who have sleep disorders so prior going to bed, perform easy and simple meditation session for at least five to 10 minutes. Whenever you’ve a difficult time for getting at sleep at night, integrate yoga for insomnia in your life because only Yoga can help you a lot without any side-effect particularly if you are suffering from insomnia.

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Regular practice of Yoga for insomnia would help you sleep best at night without any disturbance like stretch your legs in front of you and raise your arms and inhale slowly, take deep breathing or do AnulomVilom. Avoid vigorous yoga and intense exercise right prior to going to bed.

Few Pose or Asana for Yoga for Insomnia to have good sleep are,

  • Ugra-Asana-The Noble Pose Posture
  • Sarvanga-Asana-The Shoulder-stand Pose
  • Sirsha-Asana-The Head-Stand
  • The Sun Salutation- Suryanamaskar
  • Shava-Asana-The Corpse Pose
  • Ushtra-Asana-The Camel Pose
  • Shalaba-Asana-The locust Pose
  • Bala-Asana-The Child Pose
  • Vajra-Asana-The Thunderbolt Pose
  • Hala-Asana-The Plough Pose


Ancient Himalayan Lineage of Yogis

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